LaskaKit INA219 current sensor

Code: LA131170
€3,11 €2,57 excl. VAT
In stock (284 pcs)
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It is not easy to have a complete monitoring system including a battery and even a solar panel or a DC motor.

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Product detailed description

It is not easy to have a complete monitoring system including a battery and even a solar panel or a DC motor.

The INA219 sensor is an integrated circuit developed by Texas Instruments that is used to measure current and voltage in electrical circuits. This sensor is often used to monitor and control the energy consumption of electrical equipment. Its main purpose is to provide an accurate and reliable way to measure input voltage and current consumption for a variety of applications, including powering embedded systems, solar panels, batteries, motors, LED lighting and other devices.

Our module with INA219 is equipped with two UP connectors. They make it easy to connect the module to the control board and other modules.

You can connect it not only to our development kits such as the universal Meteo Mini with solar panel connection, the easy-to-program ESP32-DEVKit, the very economical and small ESP32-C3 LPKit, the ESPInk with ESP32 and large 4.2" ePaper or the popular kit with ESP32 and 3.5" TFT display.

Finally, it is not necessary to use only our boards - you can use almost any Arduinosingle-board computer Rock Pi or Raspberry Pior other development kits with an I2C bus.


  • Chip: INA219
  • Supply voltage: 3.3-5.5V
  • Current consumption: approx. 1mA
  • Sleep mode current consumption: 15μA
  • Current measurement range: 3.2A
  • Conversion resolution: 12bit
  • Measurement accuracy: ±1%
  • Resistance of sensing resistor: 0.1Ω
  • Operating temperature: -25-85°C.
  • Size: 20x16.4mm.
  • Terminal block (not included)

Included in delivery:

  • 1pc LaskaKit INA219 current sensor
  • 1 pc 4 pin strip


  • This product is not a standalone functional unit and may require professional installation.
  • Product images are for illustration purposes only and may sometimes differ from the actual appearance of the item. However, this does not change its basic properties.

Additional parameters

Category: Current sensors and voltage measurement
Warranty: 2 years
Weight: 0.005 kg
Output: Digital, I2C
Sensor type: Current
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A Avatar of author | 19/10/2024
Funkce OK. Šikovný modul s rozlišením 1mA.
M Avatar of author | 09/04/2024
Dobry den, existuje neco, jako INA219, ale pro vetsi proudy 10/20A? Dekuji
MS Avatar of author | 25/02/2024
Velice užitečný obvod pro měření proudu a napětí např. při nabíjení baterie apod. Navíc se čtyřmi nastavitelnými I2C adresami a Šup konektory není problém zapojit jich několik na jednu I2C sběrnici. Chybí jen označení vstupů nahoře na boardu (vlevo je Vin-, vpravo pak Vin+, tzn. neintuitivně). Kdo použije vstup vlevo a výstup vpravo, ten bude překvapený záporným reportovaným proudem.
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PJ Avatar of author Pridani prokoveni 09/05/2024 12:23
Nedavno sem porteboval uchytit sensor na jinou desku plastovymi sroubky, dirky ale byly male. Tak sem prevrtal dirky na prumer 3mm a sensor prestal fungovat. Tak sem porad resil, cim to bude a uz sem chtel prepajet INA obvod z jine desky protoze se mi nechtelo dalsi prevrtavat. Pak sem si na neprevrtane desce vsiml, ze je vnitrek prokoveny. Pridanim dratku spojujici obe strany desky sem problem vyresil. Takze jen jako navrh dodavam, at treba v dalsi revizi je uz z vyrobu separtni prokov, co tuhle situaci resi.
KL Avatar of author Pridani prokoveni 09/05/2024 12:55
Přidáme v nové verzi.
JN Avatar of author Vyšší proud 03/04/2024 00:45
Pokud bych chtěl zvýšit hranici měřeného proudu třeba na dvojnásobek, tak stačí vyměnit ten rezistor a přidat od něj ke svorkovnici nebo kabelu vrstvu cínu? Máte vhodné rezistory? Nebo ideálně budete mít celá čidla pro vyšší proudy? :-)
MF Avatar of author Vyšší proud 03/04/2024 08:47
Dobrý den, na tuto otázku naleznete odpověď v datashetu obvodu, který máme ke stažení v popisu zboží. Je to tak, jak píšete, stačí vyměnit snímací rezistor a popř. upravit kalibraci na nové hodnoty. Bohužel tyto snímací rezistory v nabídce nemáme.