Air quality sensors and gas sensors

Discover the sensors that are suitable for home and lab alarm systems. You'll feel safe when you strike a match from now on - sensors detect the presence of flammable gases (propane, butane, methane), other detectors monitors the fumes of various volatile substances (from spilled gasoline or alcohol).

There are also air quality detectorsthat measure the number of dust particles, CO2 and CO - in addition to an air quality monitoring system, you can also use them to create an automatic ventilation system. Most of these sensors work by performing chemical reactions on heated electrodes and measuring the output current.


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6312 senzor pro detekci kvality vzduchu mq 135
MQ-135 Air Quality Sensor
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The ultimate ambient sensor capable of detecting air quality, temperature, pressure and humidity, communicating over the I2C bus.

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LaskaKit Airboard SDS011
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Directly designed for our AirBoard and Nova PM SDS011 Optical Air Quality Sensor

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LaskaKit SCD41 CO2, temperature and air humidity sensor
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LaskaKit SCD41 CO 2 , air temperature and humidity sensor

LaskaKit SGP41 VOC and Nox air quality sensor
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MH-Z16 NDIRCO2 sensor

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MH-Z19B Carbon dioxide detector

6312 senzor pro detekci kvality vzduchu mq 135
MQ-135 Air Quality Sensor
In stock (57 pcs)
€1,58 excl. VAT

The MQ-135 sensor is a popular module for air quality detection. It is used to measure the concentration of various gases in the air, such as ammonia (NH₃), nitrogen oxides...

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MQ-8 Hydrogen Detection Sensor

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