Original digital waterproof temperature sensor DS18B20.
Infrared thermometer MLX90614ESF-BAA - separate sensor for PCB
Accurate measurement of pressure, temperature and humidity - no weather station, indoor or outdoor, can do without it. The BME688 can also measure IAQ (Air Quality).
Thermocouple type K 600°C M8 2m
PT100 platinum temperature sensor 0.5m, 3 wires
Temperature and humidity sensor SHT30, I2C with 1m cable
Temperature and humidity sensor SHT35, I2C with 1m cable
BME280 pressure, temperature and humidity sensor
Temperature and humidity sensor SHT30, I2C
Temperature and humidity sensor SHT31, I2C
Temperature and humidity sensor SHT35, I2C
Thermal camera module with sensor chip Panasonic AMG8833 and resolution 8x8 points (64px)
Universal transmitter module for K, J, N, R, S, T, E and B thermocouples, MAX31856, SPI interface.
Temperature and humidity sensor SHT45, I2C
MAX6675K thermocouple converter for use with Arduino.
LaskaKit MAX31865 converter for PT100/1000 thermocouple
DS18B20 semiconductor digital temperature sensor with simple one-wire bus connection and dedicated Arduino IDE library.
Original Dallas DS18B20+ digital temperature sensor
TI LM35DZ analog temperature sensor, TO-92