3.5" LCD TFT display with 320x480 color pixels communicating using a parallel interface in the form of a shield for Arduino Uno and Mega boards.
Shield for Arduino UNO and MEGA with L293D chip for two stepper or four DC motors.
Shield for Arduino UNO and MEGA with set of controls, joystick and six buttons.
Shield for Arduino UNO and MEGA, which allows using GPRS and GSM telecommunication networks for receiving and sending data. The module needs a SIM card with prepaid data.
Arduino Mega terminal shield
Arduino Nano terminal shield
A shield that allows your NodeMCU board to control two DC or one stepper motor.
Shield for ESP-01/01S boards with relay, which allows you to easily control, for example, lights via WiFi.
The DESPI-C03 module is a connection board that was designed to make it easier for users to work with the Good Display E-Paper Display.
A ready-made printed circuit board that allows you to easily make your own shield for Arduino Uno and Mega boards.
Shield for NodeMcu boards for easier connection of sensors and other peripherals.
Radxa Rock PI WITH PoE HAT
A shield for the Arduino Mega board to allow it to be used as a 3D printer driver, with five stepper motor converters.