Motor I2c shield for Arduino UNO, Leonardo, ADK/Mega R3, Due, Diecimila and Duemilanove. Allows connection of 2 stepper motors or 4 DC motors and 2 servo motors.
Are you planning to build a robot to do your bidding or a car or tank to control? So we have good news for you, because you just found this expansion board for Micro:bit.
Are you planning to build a robot to do your bidding or a car or tank to control? That and much more can be done by a small expansion board for Micro:bit.
Are you planning to build a robot to do your bidding or a car or tank to control? That and much more can be done by a small expansion board for Micro:bit.
Are you planning to build a robot to do your bidding or a car or tank to control? That and much more can be done by a small expansion board for Micro:bit.