Arduino Mega terminal shield
Shield for boards Arduino Mega with converter for TFT LCD displays./p>
Arduino Nano IO and Wireless Shield
Shield for boards Arduino Nano for easier connection of sensors and other peripherals.
Arduino Nano terminal shield
Shield for Arduino UNO and MEGA enabling easier connection of modules such as sensors, relays, buttons and potentiometers
Shield for Arduino MEGA for easier connection and power supply of sensors, servos and other peripherals.
Shield for Arduino UNO designed for prototyping other shields with a blank PCB and a stick-on non-solder field.
Arduino UNO terminal shield
Shield for Arduino Uno and Mega boards with USB host for android phones.
A shield for the Arduino Uno and Mega boards that will allow you to burn the bootloader or upload programs to other microcontrollers.
Shield for ESP-01 boards with connector for NeoPixel modules and displays.
Shield for ESP-01/01S boards with DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, which in combination with the wireless communication of the board is perfectly suited for the creation...
Espressif ESP-01/01S DHT22 shield
Shield for ESP-01 and 01S boards with DS18B20 temperature sensor, which fits for wireless measuring station.
Fan module for Raspberry Pi versions 3A+, 3B, 3B+ and 4B
Shield for Arduino Uno and Mega with lots of control and display elements suitable for beginners with Arduino.
Shield for Arduino Uno and Mega boards with L298P chip to control the speed and direction of rotation of up to two DC motors.
A ready-made PCB with which you can make your own shield for the Arduino Nano board.
Prototype board for creating your own Arduino UNO and Mega shields.
A ready-made printed circuit board that allows you to easily make your own shield for Arduino Uno and Mega boards.
LaskaKit ESP32-DEVKit Neon Shield
LaskaKit Uno Nano TFT Shield
The LoRa concentrator allows you to connect LoRa devices wherever there is insufficient provider signal coverage.