
Choose modules that can transmit information about the surroundings to your board. Sensors are categorized based on the type of information they convey and the manner in which they deliver that information

The main two groups of sensors are analog and digital.

Digital sensors are less numerous, providing a Boolean output of "True" or "False." They are user-friendly and often cheaper than their analog counterparts. However, the binary nature of their output limits the information they convey. Digital sensors are thus ideal for functioning as triggers in systems that activate when a particular environmental condition exceeds a predefined threshold. Commonly used sensors include temperature, humidity, and pressure sensors well-suited for example for creating a DIY weather station.

Analog sensors provide precise data values from the surroundings (with some rounding). Despite their digital output, they provide accurate data values, not binary values. Technically, sensors using I2C, SPI, or OneWire also fall into this category


LaskaKit dallas digitalni vodotesne cidlo teploty ds18b20 1m 1.jpg
(€1,58 excl. VAT)
LaskaKit SHT40 Air temperature and humidity sensor
(€2,24 excl. VAT)
HC-SR04 RCWL-9610 Ultrasonic Distance Meter
HC-SR04 RCWL-9610 Ultrasonic Distance Meter
Naskladníme cca 17.3.
(€1,25 excl. VAT)
78 items total
€6,19 excl. VAT

Current Sensor Module ±50A ACS758LCB

3770 akcelerometr adxl335 3 osy analogovy vystup
€6,52 excl. VAT

Accelerometer ADXL335 3-axis Analog output

Arduino Detektor alkoholu, ethanolu, benzínu MQ-3
€1,91 excl. VAT

Sensor using chemical reactions to detect several hazardous and flammable substances, namely methanol, ethanol and gasoline

5682 analogovy senzor dc napeti vdc 0 25v
€0,60 excl. VAT

Analog DC voltage sensor, VDC 0-25V

€1,25 excl. VAT

Capacitive soil moisture sensor that, unlike a conventional moisture sensor, does not wear out its electrodes and thus lasts longer.

€1,91 excl. VAT

Sensing coil for AC current measurement. Conversion ratio 2000:1, measuring range up to 20A.

Arduino Proudový senzor 20A ACS712
Current sensor 20A ACS712
In stock (74 pcs)
€1,58 excl. VAT

A current sensor based on the Hall effect, which allows measurements without contact between the measuring and measured circuit.

Arduino Proudový senzor 30A ACS712
Current sensor 30A ACS712
In stock (24 pcs)
€1,58 excl. VAT

A current sensor based on the Hall effect, which allows measurements without contact between the measuring and measured circuit.

Arduino Proudový senzor 5A ACS712
Current sensor 5A ACS712
In stock (72 pcs)
€1,58 excl. VAT

Current sensor using Hall effect to detect current flow.

Jednorázová EKG elektroda pro monitoring srdeční frekvence
€0,26 excl. VAT

Disposable ECG electrode for heart rate monitoring

TDS Sensor Module
€14,75 excl. VAT

Dissolved solids in water sensor TDS

DIYMORE Sada Sonda E201 + modul PH-4502C pro měření PH
€11,46 excl. VAT

DIY MORE PH-4502C pH measurement module

DIY MORE Probe E201 for measuring PH
€9,81 excl. VAT

Probe for measuring the acidity of a solution or pH. A converter is required for connection to the Arduino.

EKG monitoring srdeční frekvence AD8232
€7,51 excl. VAT

A sensor capable of monitoring the electrical activity of the heart such as heart rate. The module has excellent shielding against external interference and pulse amplification.

51dCYHqoxNL. AC SL1200
€0,53 excl. VAT

Electret microphone 6050 JST-GH 10cm

7374 potravinarsky teplotni senzor pt1000 rovny 1 2m
€8,50 excl. VAT

Food temperature sensor PT1000 for temperature measurement of various foods, cable length 1.2m.

€9,16 excl. VAT

Food temperature sensor PT1000 for temperature measurement of various foods, cable length 1.25m.

3224 guang ce yzc 131 vazici senzor 10kg
€4,21 excl. VAT

A weighing sensor that measures weight by the change in resistance caused by deformation of the sensor.

3227 guang ce yzc 131 vazici senzor 20kg
€4,21 excl. VAT

A weighing sensor that measures weight by the change in resistance caused by deformation of the sensor.

4634 guang ce yzc 131 vazici senzor 3kg
€4,21 excl. VAT

GUANG CE YZC-131 Weighing sensor 3kg

3221 guang ce yzc 131 vazici senzor 5kg
€4,21 excl. VAT

A weighing sensor that measures weight by the change in resistance caused by deformation of the sensor.

YZC 161 1
€0,93 excl. VAT

Standalone weighing sensor 50kg without transducer

YZC 1B 1
€20,68 excl. VAT

Standalone weighing sensor 100kg without transducer

YZC 1B 1
€20,68 excl. VAT

Standalone weighing sensor 200kg without transmitter

More products

These are the main cathegories:

Temperature, humidity, and presure sensors are suitable, for example, for measuring water in a pool or for automated irrigation systems. Each sensor is based on different principles depending on the type.

Tip: If you are curious about which specific sensors might be suitable for your DIY weather station, check out our article.

In this category, you will find sensors that monitor air quality or the presence of various hazardous substances (e.g., propane, butane, or substances from spilled gasoline or alcohol). If you want to monitor air quality, simply connect the sensor to an automated ventilation system.

Tip: If you want to monitor CO2 levels in the air, sensors like the CO2 MH-Z19B or MH-Z14 may come in handy. For more information, check out our article.

Motion sensors can be a part of many projects. Whether you're just a beginner in electronic design or need to refresh your knowledge, check out our article on how motion sensors work and how to connect them.

Liquid sensors will come in handy even if you don´t have a garden pool. These sensors measure various paramenters such as water level, pH, or water resistance. You'll find everything you need here for any irrigation, pool, or other water systems.

If you need to measure light intensity for any project, explore this category. Capture anything you need with a camera, or determine object colors using photodiodes.

Tip: Do you need a lightning detector? You're in luck! We've written an amazing guide just for you on how to assemble a Franklin lightning detector on your own.

When measuring current, you'll often utilize Hall sensors. Did you know that the Hall sensor is named after the discoverer of the Hall effect, Edwin Hall? Discover more fascinating details in our article "Hall Sensor – Function, Principle, and Applications."

If you need a sound sensor for any of your projects, explore this category. If you need a microphone with an amplifier, we recommend this one. And if you're looking a microphone module, give this one a try.

These sensors change their value based on the weight of the measured object. However, you can´t connect weight sensors directly to the board; you'll need a converter, which you can find in the same category. A display module may also come in handy. If you need a weight sensor up to 50 kg, check out this one.

Do you want t feel like a doctor or detective? You're in the right place. With sensors from this category, you can measure heart rate or capture fingerprints. This will come in handy, for example, if you need to secure your project. You can try a fingerprint scanner or this heart rate monitor.


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