Step-down converter with LM2596 chip, adjustable output, LED seven-segment display and maximum output voltage 37V.
Step-down converter with XL4005 chip, adjustable output and maximum output voltage 24V.
Step-down DC-DC converter with XL4015 chip and the ability to set the maximum current.
Step-up boost converter 12-35V, 6A, 150W
Step-up boost DC-DC converter with MT3608 chip and adjustable output.
Step-up DC-DC converter with MT3608 chip, adjustable output and microUSB connector.
Step-up boost converter with XL6009 chip capable of boosting voltage up to 35V with load at 3A on blue PCB.
A strain gauge that is capable of detecting the bending of conductive orange foil.
Ultra-quiet submersible mini pump suitable for filtration and pumping with a maximum flow rate of 120 l/h.
I2Cexpander extending the existing I2Cbus to 8 separate I2Cbuses.
Time relay for delayed connection, adjustable from 1-10sec. When the supply voltage is connected, the relay will connect after 1-10sec.
Control panel with TM1638 chip for controlling and displaying board data with two seven-segment displays and a set of eight buttons and LEDs.
Transparent box 2x4 8 compartments
Transparent plastic box with 36 compartments, some of which can be removed and repositioned as needed.
Transparent polyacrylate box for Arduino MEGA boards with cutouts for connecting contacts.
Transparent polyacrylate pad for Arduino UNO boards with space for gluing the non-soldering field.
A converter between the serial TTL bus and the two-wire RS 485 bus that is most commonly used in industrial environments with the MAX485 chip.
TTL to RS232 bus converter with MAX3232 chip
TZT Data Logger Shield V1.0
A single stepper motor controller for use with the Arduino board.
Universal rubber wheel for use with a variety of engines.
Step-up inverter with protection against power failures in the form of a Li-pol or Li-ion battery.
Isolator for galvanic isolation of USB 2.0 bus. Insulation capacity up to 1500V.
Kit for creating your own USB Powerbank from 1x18650 Li-ion Battery.