Laser distance sensor (LiDAR) TF02-Pro, range 40m, communication interface UART, I2C, or I/O. Waterproof - IP65
Non-contact magnetic rotary encoder AS5600 with I2C, Analog or PWM communication interface.
Rubber measuring wheel 63.7x11mm for Incremental encoder 6mm.
A module that is able to detect the arrival of people or animals by changing the thermal radiation to a sensor.
Mini PIR motion detector MR-HW06A. Switch-on time and ambient light level fixed.
Mini PIR motion detector MR-HW08KT. Switching time and ambient light level adjustable.
Proximity switch with LED identification and M12 thread
Non-contact inductive sensor that switches on when a metal object comes close to it.
Three-axis accelerometer GY-291 with ADXL345 (I2C/SPI)