LaskaKit_cz, Page 66

Brand's website: LaskaKit_cz

In 2015 we started basting in our free time. We enjoyed the Arduino area the most. Over time, we deepened this interest and devoted almost all of our free time to it. However, we have found that the prices of these components are exorbitant in the Czech Republic. That's why we decided to set up an e-shop that will be affordable for every Bastler. Our goal was not only to create a DIY community, but also to establish new collaborations and to influence new DIYers. In the future we would like to develop especially in the area of tutorials and instructional kits.

1633 items total
LaskaKit dalkove ovladane rele ak rk01 12v 433mhz ev1527 10a 1 kanal 3
€3,24 excl. VAT

The AK-RK01 remote control relay is a module that allows remote control of electrical circuits using a wireless signal. This type of relay is often used in various applications...

LaskaKit dalkovy ovladac kb 027c 433mhz ev1527 2 kanaly 3
€5,22 excl. VAT

The AK-RKAC remote control relay is a module that allows remote control of electrical circuits using a wireless signal. This type of relay is often used in various applications...

Reprap Ramps 1.4 + 5ks A4988 pro 3D Tiskárny, CNC
€10,51 excl. VAT

A shield for the Arduino Mega board to allow it to be used as a 3D printer driver, with five stepper motor converters.

foto 2
€5,55 excl. VAT

Shield for boards Arduino Mega that allows your board to control the 3d printer.

RFID EM4100 125kHz nepřepisovatelná karta
€0,33 excl. VAT

Non-writable card with token for RFID readers

RFID S50 13.56MHz token klíčenka
RFID S50 13.56MHz token key fob
Naskladníme cca 20.3.
€0,40 excl. VAT

The key fob with RFID chip can store up to 1Kbit without the need for an internal power supply, energy is delivered contactlessly when attached to the reader.

LaskaKit token printed 2
€0,93 excl. VAT

Pendant - contactless chip for use with RFID devices. The chip is readable for 13.56 MHz readers and access systems. Minimum quantity 1 00 pcs

Robotic undercarriage made of plastic
€17,45 excl. VAT

Robotic undercarriage made of plastic

Rocker switch 16A 250VAC, two-position
€0,93 excl. VAT

Panel rocker switch 16A 250VAC, two-position ON-OFF-ON. Green or red glowing.

Rotary contact grommet, 6 wires
Naskladníme cca 20.3.
€8,20 excl. VAT

Swivel contact grommet, 6 wires

Rotary encoder with button
Naskladníme cca 20.3.
€0,60 excl. VAT

A control that sends a pulse when turned a certain number of degrees with an integrated button.

Skalpelový nůž
Scalpel knife
Naskladníme cca 20.3.
€1,59 excl. VAT

Scalpel knife made of aluminium with five spare blades.

LaskaKit samolepici izolacni krouzek arch 1
€0,60 excl. VAT

Self-adhesive insulating wheel for insulation of assembled batteries. It can be used as electrical protection, thermal protection and as protection of the composite battery...

Sada IR dálkový ovladač 21 tlačítek univerzální + přijímač
€1,26 excl. VAT

Set with infrared control and infrared receiver.

3614 sada 10 frezovacich vrtaku 0 6 1 5mm
€12,50 excl. VAT

Set of 10 milling drills for CNC milling machines.

Set of 10 soldering tips 900M
Set of 10 soldering tips 900M
Momentálně nedostupné
€3,90 excl. VAT

Set of soldering tips for microsoldering machines type 900M. Suitable for lead-free tin solder.

Set of 10 soldering tips 900M
Set of 10 soldering tips 900M
Naskladníme cca 20.3.
€3,90 excl. VAT

Set of soldering tips for microsoldering machines type 900M. Suitable for lead-free tin solder.

6765 sada davkovacich tub 3cc 5cc 10cc a 30cc s hadicemi a adaptery
€11,17 excl. VAT

Set of 3cc, 5cc, 10cc and 30cc dispensing tubes with hoses and adapters for AD-982 dispenser.

€3,44 excl. VAT

Si5351A clock generator - 8KHz to 160MHz

Silicone tube 5mm/3mm
Momentálně nedostupné
€0,93 excl. VAT

Silicone hose outer ø5mm, inner ø3mm.

LaskaKit silikonova tepelne odolna podlozka 300x200mm
€3,24 excl. VAT

Silicone, heat-resistant soldering pad. Size 300x200mm

LaskaKit sma male ipex1 male adapter 3 ghz 1 Edit
€1,59 excl. VAT

SMA Male - IPEX1 Male Adapter - 3 GHz

LaskaKit sma male n female rg316 kabel 15cm 1
€3,90 excl. VAT

SMA Male - N Female with RG316 cable 15 cm long is a connection cable designed to connect devices with SMA Male connector on one end and N Female connector on the other end.

LaskaKit solarni nabijeci kontroler w88 c 12 24v 30a pro pb baterie 3
€6,55 excl. VAT

The W88 Solar Charge Controller is a device designed to regulate the charging of batteries from solar panels. It serves to optimize the charging process and protect the...

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Page 66 of 69 - 1633 items total