LaskaKit_cz, Page 64

Brand's website: LaskaKit_cz

In 2015 we started basting in our free time. We enjoyed the Arduino area the most. Over time, we deepened this interest and devoted almost all of our free time to it. However, we have found that the prices of these components are exorbitant in the Czech Republic. That's why we decided to set up an e-shop that will be affordable for every Bastler. Our goal was not only to create a DIY community, but also to establish new collaborations and to influence new DIYers. In the future we would like to develop especially in the area of tutorials and instructional kits.

1621 items total
Manual tin extractor
Naskladníme cca 12.2.
€2,24 excl. VAT

All-metal manual tin extractor

vakuova pinzeta ffq939 pipeta pro montaz smd souca 1.jpg.big
€2,24 excl. VAT

Manual vacuum tweezers for SMD components FFQ939

Měřící kabel BNC samec - 2x klip krokodýl
€0,94 excl. VAT

BNC measuring cable for oscilloscopes with two step clamps.

LaskaKit merici propojovaci vodic krokosvorka krokosvorka 1m 8a 2
€1,25 excl. VAT

Measuring cables with banana and crocs, length 1m

LaskaKit merici kolo 63 7mm pro inkrementalni enkoder 6mm 1
€6,19 excl. VAT

Rubber measuring wheel 63.7x11mm for Incremental encoder 6mm.

MX 3 1
Micro-Fit 3.0 mm 2pin connector set
Momentálně nedostupné
€2,24 excl. VAT

Set of 20 Micro-Fit 3.0 connectors 2pin per cable - 43645 + 43640 and 43031-0001 + 43030-0001

pir 1
Mini PIR motion detector MR-HW06A
Momentálně nedostupné
€3,22 excl. VAT

Mini PIR motion detector MR-HW06A. Switch-on time and ambient light level fixed.

pir nastav 1
Mini PIR motion detector MR-HW08KT
Momentálně nedostupné
€5,86 excl. VAT

Mini PIR motion detector MR-HW08KT. Switching time and ambient light level adjustable.

Mini step-down měnič s MP1584EN
€1,12 excl. VAT

Step-down converter with MP1584EN chip, adjustable output, maximum output voltage 20V and miniature size.

jehly kov
€3,22 excl. VAT

Needle set for dispensing tubes with metal tubes, 10 diameters, 5 pcs of each diameter.

LaskaKit O1CN01UECh6r1sn1x54z3dc !!2684135810 0 cib
€0,60 excl. VAT

The magnet is made of the world's strongest magnetic material NdFeB

LaskaKit O1CN01NeuSjw1sn1x4nDTMk !!2684135810 0 cib
€0,17 excl. VAT

The magnet is made of the world's strongest magnetic material NdFeB

LaskaKit bezdotykovy indukcni snimac njk 5002c npn no m12 10mm 6 36v 1
€3,55 excl. VAT

Proximity switch with LED identification and M12 thread

12v24v36v48 40A DC motor speed controller Multi function programmable controller LCD LCD display.jpg Q90.jpg
€17,05 excl. VAT

Panel PWM motor speed controller 10.5-55V 30A with backlit LCD display and push button control.

PCB 35mm DIN Rail Mounting Adapter Circuit Board
PCB holder for 35mm DIN rail
Momentálně nedostupné
€0,93 excl. VAT

PCB holder for 35mm DIN rail

5958 fotoelektricky snimac otacek 5mm
Photoelectric speed sensor 5mm
Momentálně nedostupné
€0,60 excl. VAT

Photoelectric speed sensor

LaskaKit pi pico rp2040 zero raspberry rp2040 1 2
€2,90 excl. VAT

ARM Dual Core Microcontroller Based Development Board Cortex-M0+ Raspberry Pi RP2040 264KB SRAM + 2MB on-board Flash

1268 1 pigtail u fl sma female kabel 1 15mm 15cm
€1,25 excl. VAT

Pigtail antenna for connecting another antenna.

Pneumatic dispenser AD-982
Naskladníme cca 12.2.
€88,49 excl. VAT

Pneumatic dispenser AD-982

PoE splitter 12V/1A, DC 5.5/2.1
Momentálně nedostupné
€12,12 excl. VAT

Active PoE splitter 12V/1A, DC 5.5/2.1

zdroj 5V 3A vypinac
Power adapter 5V/3A USB-C, switch
Momentálně nedostupné
€10,14 excl. VAT

Mains power adapter 5V/3A USB-C with switch for Raspberry Pi 4

Power cable JQ-118 USB-C to JST-PH-2 2mm 10cm
€0,93 excl. VAT

Power cable JQ-118 USB-C to JST-PH-2 2mm 10cm

Napájecí konektor DC-022 5,5/2,1mm - do panelu
€0,20 excl. VAT

Power jack connector with the possibility of inserting into the panel.

Zdroj 20V AC-DC s L7805CV 5V 1.2A
€1,58 excl. VAT

Power supply with rectifier for use with step-down transformer output.

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Page 64 of 68 - 1621 items total