LaskaKit_cz, Page 60

Brand's website: LaskaKit_cz

In 2015 we started basting in our free time. We enjoyed the Arduino area the most. Over time, we deepened this interest and devoted almost all of our free time to it. However, we have found that the prices of these components are exorbitant in the Czech Republic. That's why we decided to set up an e-shop that will be affordable for every Bastler. Our goal was not only to create a DIY community, but also to establish new collaborations and to influence new DIYers. In the future we would like to develop especially in the area of tutorials and instructional kits.

1615 items total
Bluetooth 4.1 audio receiver XY-BT-MINI
€1,25 excl. VAT

Bluetooth 4.1 audio receiver XY-BT-MINI

Digital thermostat XH-W3001, 220V AC
€2,57 excl. VAT

Digital air temperature controller with NTC sensor - Thermostat, 220V AC supply voltage

LaskaKit 6000w stmivac 4
€6,52 excl. VAT

The dimmer is designed for switching AC voltage, which can transmit current up to 8A.

LaskaKit bt5 0 audio pro bluetooth 5 0 stereo audio receiver 1
€4,88 excl. VAT

BT5.0-Audio module for receiving audio signals via Bluetooth from a connected mobile phone or laptop.

LaskaKit bls b21 bluetooth 5 0 stereo audio receiver 1
€6,85 excl. VAT

BT5.0-Audio module for receiving audio signals via Bluetooth from a connected mobile phone or laptop.

elektromagnet tazny 24v 10mm 20n 2
€5,40 excl. VAT

Universal traction electromagnet. Voltage 24V/0.35A, stroke length 10mm, force 20N

LaskaKit zk pp2k pwm regulator otacek stejnosmernych motoru 8a 30v s displejem 5
€7,51 excl. VAT

The controller uses PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), which uses changes in the width of the current pulse to the motor. In pulse control, the current and voltage remain the same,...

LaskaKit frekvencni menic 1 5kw rs485 1
€52,64 excl. VAT

Speed controller for single-phase and synchronous motors up to 1.5kW / 240V based on frequency converter with RS485 bus control.

měřící kabely
€21,35 excl. VAT

Universal measuring cables for multimeter, 10A

Akvarijní teploměr LCD NTC (Barva Černá)
€1,58 excl. VAT

Waterproof thermometer suitable for use in aquariums with LCD display in white or black.

Digitální Osciloskop DS0138 200khz, spájená verze
€22,99 excl. VAT

Simple digital oscilloscope DSO138 with 0-200kHz display, pre-coupled.

Testovací háček barevný kulatý (Barva Černá)
Test hook colored round
In stock (36 pcs)
€0,26 excl. VAT

Test hook for easy hooking to wires or components in several colours.

LED indikátor stavu kapacity 1S Lipo Li-ion baterie
€1,25 excl. VAT

LED indicator of the capacity status of one Lipo Li-ion battery on the voltage base between four states.

LED indikátor stavu kapacity 2S Lipo Li-ion baterie
€1,25 excl. VAT

Module for capacity indication of up to two Li-ion batteries with 4 LEDs.

LED indikátor stavu kapacity 3S Lipo Li-ion baterie
€1,25 excl. VAT

Module for indicating the capacity of up to three Li-ion batteries with 4 LEDs.

LED indikátor stavu kapacity 4S Lipo Li-ion baterie
€1,25 excl. VAT

Module for capacity indication of up to four Li-ion batteries with 4 LEDs.

Panelový digitální voltmetr + ampérmetr 100V 10A DC
€2,24 excl. VAT

Panel digital voltmeter with ammeter suitable for creating your own laboratory power supply.

XY-PWM Frekvencí generátor LCD 0-150kHz 3.3V-30V
€2,57 excl. VAT

PWM pulse generator with adjustable duty cycle and frequency, with LCD display.

FG-100 DDS Generátor funkcí 1Hz - 500KHz
€26,29 excl. VAT

Function generator with the ability to generate several types of waves for testing amplifiers, filters or speakers.

Skalpelový nůž
Scalpel knife
In stock (25 pcs)
€1,58 excl. VAT

Scalpel knife made of aluminium with five spare blades.

Jednoduchý extraktor pro demontáž IO
€1,58 excl. VAT

Tweezers for easy removal of integrated circuits.

0,36" Mini digitální voltmetr 3-30V
€1,25 excl. VAT

Simple digital voltmeter with seven-segment LED display.

Multifunkční hodiny 3v1, 7-segment LED, DS3231 (Barva Modrá)
from €4,55 excl. VAT
from €5,50

Multifunction clock, voltmeter and thermometer with 4-digit 7-segment LED display.

Měřič proudu a napětí USB LED displej
€1,58 excl. VAT

A current and voltage meter with a seven-segment display that easily plugs between two USB cables to quickly see your project's power consumption.

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Page 60 of 68 - 1615 items total