LaskaKit_cz, Page 53

Brand's website: LaskaKit_cz

In 2015 we started basting in our free time. We enjoyed the Arduino area the most. Over time, we deepened this interest and devoted almost all of our free time to it. However, we have found that the prices of these components are exorbitant in the Czech Republic. That's why we decided to set up an e-shop that will be affordable for every Bastler. Our goal was not only to create a DIY community, but also to establish new collaborations and to influence new DIYers. In the future we would like to develop especially in the area of tutorials and instructional kits.

1615 items total
US EU adapter
US - EU adapter
In stock (76 pcs)
€0,40 excl. VAT

Adapter for devices with US power plug to EU standard.

LaskaKit sroubovaci svorkovnice do dps kf301 3p 1
€0,23 excl. VAT

Screw terminal block for PCB 3 contacts pitch 5.08mm, 18A, green.

Dupont 40Pin 2mm pinový pás
Dupont pin strip 40Pin 2mm
In stock (318 pcs)
€0,20 excl. VAT

Pin strip for dupont connectors with 40 pins.

Dupont 40Pin 2,54 mm vysoký pinový pás 17 mm
€0,17 excl. VAT

An extended dupont pin rail that is suitable for joining two modules that need more spacing.

Dupont 40Pin 2,54 mm vysoký pinový pás 19 mm
€0,26 excl. VAT

An extended dupont pin rail that is suitable for joining two modules that need more spacing.

1910 1 textool zif 28pin 7 62mm patice dip
€1,25 excl. VAT

The universal socket with zero insertion force that can be secured is perfectly suited for programmers.

CONNFLY DS1009-28AT1NS Patice DIP 28pin THT
€0,26 excl. VAT

Integrated circuit socket in DIP 28pin package which is suitable for ATmega328 microcontrollers.

GX16 4P kabel
€0,79 excl. VAT

GX16 connector with 4 pins for cable attachment

GX16 4P panel
€0,79 excl. VAT

Connector 16mm GX16 - 4 pins, for panel

90R9290 40
Pin for JST-XH connector
In stock (7085 pcs)
€0,02 excl. VAT

Crimp pin for JST-XH connector

Dupont 6Pin 2,54 mm pinový pás, prodloužená samice
€0,13 excl. VAT

Hollow bar 6Pin 2.54 mm single row straight, extended

Dupont 10Pin 2,54 mm pinový pás, prodloužená samice
€0,17 excl. VAT

Hollow bar 10Pin 2.54 mm single row straight, extended

Silový konektor T-plug, 1 pár
€0,92 excl. VAT

T-plug power connector suitable for connecting larger loads.

Dupont 2x40Pin 2mm pinový pás
€0,20 excl. VAT

Dupont pin bar with two rows of 40Pins.

Dupont 40Pin 2,54 mm SMD Type 2 pinový pás
€0,40 excl. VAT

Dupont pin strip with 40Pins for PCB power supply.

Dupont kabel (female) s testovacím háčkem 10ks
€2,42 excl. VAT

Dupont cable (female) with test hook 10pcs

Dupont konektor dvouřadý (Počet pinů 2x2P)
Dupont connector double row
In stock (124 pcs)
from €0,02 excl. VAT
from €0,03

Dupont connector double row

JST-XH 2.5mm tělo konektoru (Počet pinů 2P)
from €0,02 excl. VAT
from €0,03

JST-XH 2.5mm connector body

JST-XH 2.5mm konektor do DPS (Počet pinů 2P)
€0,02 excl. VAT

JST-XH 2.5mm PCB connector

JST-XH 2.5mm konektor do DPS, pravoúhlý (Počet pinů 2P)
€0,02 excl. VAT

JST-XH 2.5mm PCB connector, right angle

JST-XH 2.5mm SMD konektor do DPS (Počet pinů 2P)
from €0,07 excl. VAT
from €0,08

JST-XH 2.5mm SMD connector for PCB

JST-XH 2.5mm SMD konektor do DPS, pravoúhlý (Počet pinů 2P)
from €0,07 excl. VAT
from €0,08

JST-XH 2.5mm SMD connector for PCB, rectangular

faston 2.8 zasuvka neizolovany
€0,07 excl. VAT

FASTON non-insulated 2,8mm, crimpable

krytka na faston 2 8
€0,05 excl. VAT

Silicone cap for FASTON non-insulated 2,8mm cavity

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Page 53 of 68 - 1615 items total