LaskaKit_cz, Page 3

Brand's website: LaskaKit_cz

In 2015 we started basting in our free time. We enjoyed the Arduino area the most. Over time, we deepened this interest and devoted almost all of our free time to it. However, we have found that the prices of these components are exorbitant in the Czech Republic. That's why we decided to set up an e-shop that will be affordable for every Bastler. Our goal was not only to create a DIY community, but also to establish new collaborations and to influence new DIYers. In the future we would like to develop especially in the area of tutorials and instructional kits.

1633 items total
€32,99 excl. VAT

Robotic finger kit made of aluminium parts and servos.

2-kanály relé modul  5VDC 250VAC 10A
€1,39 excl. VAT

Module of two electromagnetic relays with switching voltage 5V, switching to digital 0 and maximum switching current 10A.

2-kanály SSR Relé Modul 5VDC, Low Level, 250VAC 2A
€2,78 excl. VAT

Module of two solid-state relays with switching voltage 5V, switching to digital 0 and maximum switching current 2A. Solid-state relays use semiconductors instead of...

176x220 Barevný LCD TFT displej 2.0" SPI
€7,87 excl. VAT

Colour LCD display with 176x220 pixels and microSD card slot.

240x320 Barevný LCD TFT displej 2.2" SPI
€12,17 excl. VAT

Colour TFT LCD display with 240x320 pixels.

2.4" Palcový Barevný Dotykový TFT LCD Displej 240x320 ILI9341 SPI
€9,85 excl. VAT

Color LCD display with 240x320 pixels, microSD card slot and a touch layer that can be controlled by your Arduino.

2 4 tft rpi
€11,17 excl. VAT

2.4" 320x240 TFT display for Raspberry Pi, SPI, touch

2.4" 320x240 TFT display ST7789, shield Arduino Uno
€8,86 excl. VAT

Shield for Arduino Uno and Mega boards with color TFT display with 320x240 pixels.

3545 2 42 128x64 oled displej spi bily
€15,47 excl. VAT

OLED display with 128x64 white pixels communicating via SPI bus.

2.8" Palcový Barevný Dotykový TFT LCD Displej 240x320 ILI9341 SPI
€9,85 excl. VAT

Colour TFT LCD display with 240x320 pixels and touch layer.

2 4 tft rpi
€13,16 excl. VAT

2.8" 320x240 TFT display for Raspberry Pi, SPI, touch

2004 LCD Displej a Ovladač pro 3D Tiskárny RAMPS 1.4
€9,85 excl. VAT

LCD Display with encoder, SD card slot and other controls for 3D Printers.

20cm microUSB kabel
20cm microUSB cable
In stock (2 pcs)
€1,59 excl. VAT

Micro USB connection cable suitable for charging mobile phones or programming some boards.

20W LED studená bílá 6000K
20W LED cold white 6000K
In stock (15 pcs)
€3,24 excl. VAT

Powerful LED in cool white.

20x4 LCD displej 2004 modrý
20x4 LCD display 2004 blue
In stock (23 pcs)
€5,22 excl. VAT

This is a basic LCD display - 20 characters and 4 lines, blue backlit, white letters. It uses the extremely simple HD44780 parallel interface controller.

20x4 LCD displej 2004 modrý + I2C převodník
€5,88 excl. VAT

Blue backlit LCD display with 20x4 pixels and I2C converter.

20x4 LCD displej 2004 zelený
€5,22 excl. VAT

This is a basic LCD display - 20 characters and 4 lines. Uses the extremely simple HD44780 parallel interface controller

€5,88 excl. VAT

20x4 LCD display 2004 green + I2C converter

20x80mm oboustranná PCB prototypová deska
€0,46 excl. VAT

Double-sided prototype board for a more permanent prototype of your project.

6213 3 241x inteligentni rgb led neopixel kruh 170 ws2812b 5050 5v
€47,21 excl. VAT

241x intelligent RGB LED NeoPixel circle Ø170, WS2812B, 5050, 5V

24x inteligentní RGB LED NeoPixel kruh O65, WS2812B, 5050, 5V
€5,22 excl. VAT

A circle of twenty-four intelligent NeoPixel LEDs with individually adjustable red, blue and green intensity.

24x inteligentní RGB LED NeoPixel kruh O85, WS2812B, 5050, 5V
€2,58 excl. VAT

A circle of twenty-four intelligent NeoPixel LEDs with individually adjustable red, blue and green intensity.

LED indikátor stavu kapacity 2S Lipo Li-ion baterie
€1,26 excl. VAT

Module for capacity indication of up to two Li-ion batteries with 4 LEDs.

2WD podvozek pro balancujícího robota
€32,99 excl. VAT

Chassis for balancing robot with two motors with encoders for speed measurement.

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Page 3 of 69 - 1633 items total