LaskaKit_cz, Page 15

Brand's website: LaskaKit_cz

In 2015 we started basting in our free time. We enjoyed the Arduino area the most. Over time, we deepened this interest and devoted almost all of our free time to it. However, we have found that the prices of these components are exorbitant in the Czech Republic. That's why we decided to set up an e-shop that will be affordable for every Bastler. Our goal was not only to create a DIY community, but also to establish new collaborations and to influence new DIYers. In the future we would like to develop especially in the area of tutorials and instructional kits.

1615 items total
4-Channel Infrared Line Tracking Sensor
€1,90 excl. VAT

4-Channel Infrared Line Tracking Sensor

Arduino Plovákový senzor vodní hladiny
Float water level sensor
In stock (48 pcs)
€1,57 excl. VAT

A sensor with a float that switches on when the water level reaches a certain level.

Arduino Vibrační snímač SW1801P s LM393
€0,59 excl. VAT

Vibration detecting sensor on internal spring with analogue and digital output.

Arduino Detektor barvy TCS3200
Color detector TCS3200
In stock (7 pcs)
€6,48 excl. VAT

A module capable of detecting the color of an object much like our eye, with individual pixels detecting their designated color and then compositing them together.

Arduino YF-S201 průtokoměr vody 1-30L/min
€3,73 excl. VAT

Sensor for measuring the volume of flowing water with a maximum possible flow rate of 30L/min.

Sharp GP2Y1010AU0F Optický senzor kvality ovzduší
€6,15 excl. VAT

Optical quality sensor measuring light from reflected dust particles.

Arduino Senzor oxidu uhelnatého, hořlavých plynů MQ-9
€1,90 excl. VAT

Chemical sensor for monocarbon monoxide and flammable methane

Heart rate detector XD-58C
Heart rate detector XD-58C
In stock (11 pcs)
€2,22 excl. VAT

Heart rate detector XD-58C

Arduino modul laserového snímače
Laser sensor module
In stock (36 pcs)
€0,92 excl. VAT

Laser sensor module to identify the intense light from the laser, it is recommended to use in darker environment, sunlight may distort the measurement.

EKG monitoring srdeční frekvence AD8232
€7,45 excl. VAT

A sensor capable of monitoring the electrical activity of the heart such as heart rate. The module has excellent shielding against external interference and pulse amplification.

Arduino Infračervený senzor sledování čáry s LM393
€0,59 excl. VAT

Infrared sensor suitable for line tracing robots with analogue and digital output.

Arduino kompas QMC5883L
€3,21 excl. VAT

A module capable of orienting itself by sensing the earth's magnetic field in 3 axes.

Arduino Infračervený teploměr MLX90614, GY-906
€9,74 excl. VAT

Infrared non-contact thermometer measuring infrared emissions from an object.

Fingerprint sensor with memory DY50
We will stock it around 14.2.
€13,02 excl. VAT

A biometric fingerprint scanner with memory that's useful for securing your projects or as a way to identify yourself.

Arduino Senzor oxidu uhelnatého MQ-7
€1,90 excl. VAT

Chemical sensor for carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas produced by inadequately oxygenated combustion.

6312 senzor pro detekci kvality vzduchu mq 135
MQ-135 Air Quality Sensor
We will stock it around 14.2.
€1,57 excl. VAT

The MQ-135 sensor is a popular module for air quality detection. It is used to measure the concentration of various gases in the air, such as ammonia (NH₃), nitrogen oxides...

Nova PM SDS011 Optical air quality sensor PM2.5 PM10
€23,16 excl. VAT

Nova PM SDS011 Optical air quality sensor PM2.5 PM10

6222 mh z19b detektor oxidu uhliciteho
€27,40 excl. VAT

MH-Z19B Carbon dioxide detector

Arduino vodotěsný ultrazvukový měřič vzdálenosti JSN-SR04T s kabelem
€7,79 excl. VAT

Waterproof ultrasonic distance meter with cable and transducer.

Arduino vodotěsný ultrazvukový měřič vzdálenosti JSN-SR04T
€8,11 excl. VAT

Waterproof ultrasonic distance meter with transducer.

NDIR senzor plynu MH-Z14 Oxid uhličitý CO2
€31,33 excl. VAT

NDIR carbon dioxide gas sensor using light absorption for detection.

Digitální čidlo teploty Dallas DS18B20, modul
€0,92 excl. VAT

Module with digital temperature sensor DS18B20 with all necessary components.

Arduino YF-S401 průtokoměr vody 0.3-6L/min
€3,21 excl. VAT

The water volume measuring component for your irrigation systems.

LaskaKit halluv neinvazivni snimac proudu wcs1xxxx 2
€11,06 excl. VAT

Hall effect non-invasive current sensor WCS1800-35A

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Page 15 of 68 - 1615 items total