The white metal box is designed for installation of modular power supplies type RD60xx, for example: RD6012 and RD6024
Self-adhesive feet transparent silicone 64pcs 11x5mm
SMD sample binder
The stainless steel (304) housing with a diameter of 6mm and a length of your choice is suitable for inserting DS18B20, PT100 (PT1000), LM35, etc. temperature sensors.
Transparent Battery Box
Transparent box 183x88x45mm
Transparent box 2x4 8 compartments
Transparent box 2x5 10 compartments
Transparent plastic box with 15 compartments, some of which can be removed and repositioned as needed.
Transparent plastic box with 24 compartments, some of which can be removed and repositioned as needed.
Transparent plastic box with 36 compartments, some of which can be removed and repositioned as needed.
Transparent box 906530
Transparent polyacrylate box for Arduino MEGA boards with cutouts for connecting contacts.
Transparent polyacrylate box for boards Arduino UNO R3 with cutouts for connecting contacts.
Transparent acrylic box for digital thermostat W1209 with cut-outs for control and connection of peripherals.
Transparent acrylic box for DSO138 oscilloscopes.
Transparent box for DSO138mini oscilloscope
Transparent plastic box with 4 compartments some of which can be removed and repositioned as required.
Transparent acrylic holder for ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
Acrylic holder with screws for motion sensor HC-SR501. The bracket makes it easy to attach the sensor to any location.
Transparent polyacrylate pad for Arduino UNO boards with space for gluing the non-soldering field.
Ideal for storing larger components or modules.