Nextion Enhanced NX4024K032 3.2" 400 x 240 TFT display
Nextion Enhanced NX4827K043 4.3" 480 x 272 TFT display
Nextion Enhanced NX8048K050 5.0" 800 x 480 TFT display
Original Nextion TFT LCD display with 800 x 480 pixels and capacitive touch layer.
Original Nextion TFT LCD display with 800 x 480 pixels and resistive touch layer.
Nextion The Intelligent NX1060P101-011C is a super display that's ideal for quick Human Interface (HMI) projects
Nextion The Intelligent NX1060P101-011R is a super display that's ideal for quick Human Interface (HMI) projects
Nextion Intelligent NX4827P043-011C is a super display that is ideal for fast human interface (HMI) projects
Nextion Intelligent NX4827P043-011R is a super display that is ideal for fast human interface (HMI) projects
Nextion Intelligent NX8048P050-011C is a super display that is ideal for fast Human Interface (HMI) projects
Nextion Intelligent NX8048P050-011R is a super display that is ideal for fast Human Interface (HMI) projects
Nextion Intelligent NX8048P070-011C is a super display that is ideal for fast human interface (HMI) projects
Nextion Intelligent NX8048P070-011R is a super display that is ideal for fast Human Interface (HMI) projects
Excellent touchscreen LCD display with SD card slot, its own processor and 4MB flash memory.
Original color Nextion TFT LCD display with 320x240 pixels.
Original nexinton colour touchscreen display with 400x240 pixels.
Original Nextion TFT display with 480 x 272 pixels and touch layer.
Original Nextion TFT display with 480 x 320 pixels and touch layer.
Original Nextion TFT display with 800 x 480 pixels and touch layer.
USB - UART converter and power source for Nextion displays.
OLED display 128x64 1.3" raw, color blue or white
Monochrome display with OLED technology. This OLED display doesn't need a backlight, the pixels themselves are the ones that shine.
1.8" LCD display with 128x64 resolution and ST7567 controller. White backlight.
2.4" LCD display with 128x64 resolution and ST7565 controller. No backlight.