2.8" 320x240 TFT display for Raspberry Pi, SPI, touch
LCD Display with encoder, SD card slot and other controls for 3D Printers.
This is a basic LCD display - 20 characters and 4 lines, blue backlit, white letters. It uses the extremely simple HD44780 parallel interface controller.
Blue backlit LCD display with 20x4 pixels and I2C converter.
This is a basic LCD display - 20 characters and 4 lines. Uses the extremely simple HD44780 parallel interface controller
20x4 LCD display 2004 green + I2C converter
Colour TFT touch screen with 240x320 pixels communicating via SPI bus.
3.2" 320x240 TFT display for Raspberry Pi, SPI, touch
3.5" 320x480 TFT display for Raspberry Pi, SPI, touch
3.5" 320x480 TFT display ILI9488, shield Arduino Uno
3.5" LCD TFT display with 320x480 color pixels communicating using a parallel interface in the form of a shield for the Arduino Mega board.
3.5" LCD TFT display with 320x480 color pixels communicating using a parallel interface in the form of a shield for Arduino Uno and Mega boards.
32x8 LED matrix with MAX7219 multiplexer in green, blue or red.
4.0" 480x320 TFT display, ST7796, SPI, touch
This amazing display is the best way to add a pretty big, colorful and bright display to your project with Raspberry Pi.
4" 400x800 TFT display for Raspberry Pi 3, HDMI, touch
4" 400x800 TFT display for Raspberry Pi 4, HDMI, touch
5" 400x800 TFT display for Raspberry Pi 3, HDMI, touch
5" 800x480 TFT display for Raspberry Pi, HDMI, touch
Six-digit seven-segment display with green backlight.
64x16 Red LED nut with MAX7219, LED diameter 3mm
64x8 Red LED nut with MAX7219, LED diameter 3mm
7" 1024x600 TFT display for Raspberry Pi, HDMI, touch