Radxa 128GB eMMC 5.1 memory for Rock PI 4 / E / 3A and ODroid
Radxa Rock PI 4x - M.2 Expansion board v1.6
LaskaKit T-U2T adapter for CH9102 programmer
TTL to RS422 converter, MAX490 Full Duplex
Module enabling I2C bus extension with PCA9515A circuit.
USB TTL UART converter, FT232RL, DTR pin
LaskaKit DS3231 orig. RTC Real Time Clock
MCP23017 I2C 16 bit I/O Expander
USB3.1 eMMC Reader/Writer
I2C 5V to 3V level converter
microSD card Helps you store data from apps on a microSD card
Converter between SPI and CAN buses, which is most often used in cars, this module is suitable for use in projects where this is necessary.
1-channel module for galvanic separation of input and output.
A module that allows your board to send serial data via bluetooth to another board or device with a bluetooth connection.
A module that allows your boards to read and write to contactless chips with RFID technology.
The key fob with RFID chip can store up to 1Kbit without the need for an internal power supply, energy is delivered contactlessly when attached to the reader.
RFID card for use with readers, for example as a more convenient key or a way of recording attendance.
Wireless module LC12S UART 2.4GHz
Wireless communication module for 868MHz RFM22-S2 with SPI communication.
Non-writable keyring with token for RFID readers in several colours.
RFID reader for contactless cards and chips with antenna with UART output.
Bluetooth module HC-05 for wireless serial communication between the boards or board and a laptop or mobile phone with bluetooth.
The module for wireless communication over 868MHz frequency to the microcontroller uses SPI bus.