BluePill ARM STM32 STM32F103C8 Development Board

Code: LA100052
€5,92 €4,89 excl. VAT
In stock (38 pcs)
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A board similar to the Arduino Nano, but with a more powerful ARM microcontroller, but still programmable in the Arduino IDE

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Product detailed description

It is a clone of microcontroller STM32F103 - CS32F103 CPUTAPID signature 0x2ba01477. For this reason, it will not be possible to use the original GDB debugger. The chip can be designated either CS32F103 or STM32F103.

The STM32F103xx microcontroller series includes a high-performance 32-bit ARM®Cortex®-M3 RISC core operating at up to 72 MHz, high-speed embedded memories (Flash memory up to 128 kB and SRAM up to 20 kB), a rich number of enhanced I/O ports and peripherals connected to two APB buses. The microcontrollers offer two 12-bit ADCs, three universal 16-bit timers plus one PWM timer, as well as standard and advanced communication interfaces: up to two I2C and SPI, three USART, USB and CAN.

These features make the STM32F103xx series of microcontrollers suitable for a wide range of applications such as motor drives, application control, medical and handheld devices, PC and gaming peripherals, GPS platforms, industrial applications, PLCs, inverters, printers, scanners, alarm systems, videophones, and more.

With its selection of specific components and compact dimensions, this development board is very suitable for beginners who are looking for a more powerful alternative to the Arduino Nano development board. Several development environments are available for this board, including Arduino an IDE. To program the board, you can use the ST-Link V2 programmer (or its clone) or the USART Bootloader.


  • STM32F103C8 microcontroller (clone)
  • CPU frequency up to 72MHz
  • FLASH 64KB
  • SRAM 20KB
  • 2 x 12bit ADC (0 - 3.6V, 16 channels)
  • 7 x DMA
  • 7 x timer:
    • 3 x 16bit timers, each with up to 4 IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter inputs and a quadrature (incremental) encoder input
    • 16-bit PWM timer with motor control with dead-time generation and emergency stop
    • 2 x Watchdog Timer (Independent and Window)
    • 24-bit SysTick timer
  • 2 x I2C (SMBus/PMBus)
  • 3 x USART (ISO 7816 interface, LIN, IrDA, modem control)
  • 2 x SPI (18 Mbit/s)
  • 1 x CAN (2.0B Active)
  • 1 x USB 2.0 full-speed
  • 1 x Real Time Circuit - RTC
  • CRC calculation unit, 96-bit unique ID
  • Oscillators, reset and power management:
    • Power supply 2.0 - 3.6 V
    • Power-on Reset, Power-down Reset and Programmable Voltage Detector (PVD)
    • External 4 - 16 MHz oscillator for CPU
    • Internal 8 MHz oscillator for CPU
    • Internal 40 kHz oscillator for RTC
    • PLL for CPU clocking
    • External 32.768 kHz oscillator with calibration for RTC
  • Low power mode:
    • Sleep, Stop and Standby mode
  • VBAT input for power backup for RTC and backup registers

Development board

  • Plate dimensions 53mm x 22mm. Pin spacing corresponds to a standard 40pin DIP bushing - breadboard friendly
  • In addition to the microcontroller, the following components are integrated on the board:
    • Power source 3.3V 300mA
    • 8MHz crystal for CPU
    • Crystal 32.768kHz for RTC
    • Programming method selection connections - BOOT0 and BOOT1
    • Reset button
    • Micro USB connector - power and data
    • SWD connector - programming and debugging with ST-Link V2 programmer
    • LED indicating 3.3V power supply
    • LED connected to pin PC13
  • The board can be powered using the Micro USB connector or the power pins

Connection of outlets:


Delivery components:

  • 1pc Clone BluePill ARM STM32 STM32F103C8 Development Board
  • 2pcs 20pin double-sided pin strip


  • The pins are not soldered in the board, but are included in the package.
  • This product is not a standalone functional unit and may require professional installation.
  • Product images are for illustration purposes only and may sometimes differ from the actual appearance of the item. However, this does not change its basic properties.

Additional parameters

Category: ARM Development Boards
Warranty: 2 years
Weight: 0.006 kg
Type: ARM
Logical levels: 3.3V
I/O pins: 37
PWM pins: 15
ADC pins: 4
Frequency: 8MHz
Flash memory: 64kB
SRAM memory: 20kB
EEPROM memory: Ne
Connector with battery charger: No
Microcontroller: STM32
Converter: No
Bluetooth: No
WiFi: No
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L Avatar of author | 29/01/2024
Na stránkách lze najít aktivační kód pro keil. Potom to lze bez omezení programovat a debugovat i v tomto prostředí.
DK Avatar of author | 18/01/2021
Jsem spokojen. Funguje naprosto bez problémů.
OV Avatar of author | 23/08/2020
Super, lepší než Arduino. Jen je problém s tím programováním. Buď potřebujete ST-Link V2 nebo převodník USB TTL to UART.
LS Avatar of author | 02/05/2020
Chtěl jsem vyzkoušet origo BluePill, funguje dobře a výpočetní výkon je podle očekávání, chyby jsem neobjevil, jen někdy pozor na varianty s chybnými odpory - kdo nemá náladu na pájení SMD, tak nechť neriskuje :-)
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L Avatar of author Jak poznat obšlehnutý procesor 28/02/2024 20:17
Skutečný rozdíl mezi kopií a originálem ST je v obsahu na konci 4K rom paměti která obsahuje JEDEC-106 ID code. Jak přesvědčit STlinkV3 aby se s tím procesorem bavil nevím. Čínské j-tagy ten rozdíl nějak zamaskují, ale zase nemají TRACESWO vstup prot ITM debagování :-( :10FFD00000000000000000000000000000000000 :10FFD00004000000000000000000000000000000 :10FFE00010000000040000000A00000000000000 :10FFE000C3000000B40000000B00000000000000
R Avatar of author alternativní json k Arduinu 07/01/2024 16:33 a pro přepnutí do standby knihovna STM32LowPower snad to někomu ušetří hodně času :-)
MD Avatar of author Frekvence CPU 07/12/2021 08:11
Jaká je tedy frekvence CPU když je uvedeno AŽ 72MHz? Záleží na krystalu?
MF Avatar of author Frekvence CPU 07/12/2021 09:53
Dobrý den, to záleží na konkrétní konfiguraci, kterou si zvolíte. Mikrokontroler umí až 72MHz. Podrobnosti v datasheetu.
JH Avatar of author Debugovani s ST-LINK 15/11/2019 07:36
Zdravim, pri debugovani techto klonu se muze nekdy stat, ze se debugger v nekterem vyvojovem prostredi nepodari s deskou spojit. Duvod je rozdilny idcode jednotlivych chipu. Originalni STM32F103C8T6 ma idcode = 0x1ba01477, nektere klony zase 0x2ba01477. Pokud vyvojove prostredi tuto kontrolu provadi, je treba zmetit idcode v nastaveni. Pro STM32CubeIde se jedna o soubor umisteny ve slozce st_scripts/target/stm32f1x.cfg (nemusi byt primo v korenove slozce, kde je nainstalovane vyvojove prostredi). V tomto souboru staci zmenit idcode z 0x1ba01477 na 0x2ba01477 (pripadne jiny podle konkretniho chipu).
J Avatar of author STM32CUBEIDE a klon mikrokontroleru STM32F103 11/02/2024 22:43
Googlil jsem postup pro debug v STM32CUBEIDE a zdá se, že to kolem roku 2019 bylo možné s pomocí OCD se změněným /stm32f1x.cfg souborem, viz IDCode, ale již od roku 2022 to možné není! Společnost ST se klonům brání, nechce, aby bylo možné využívat její nástroje... Máte s tímto někdo zkušenost? Zkoušel někdo použít SMT32CUBEIDE?