Motor I2c shield for Arduino UNO, Leonardo, ADK/Mega R3, Due, Diecimila and Duemilanove. Allows connection of 2 stepper motors or 4 DC motors and 2 servo motors.
Arduino UNO terminal shield
Arduino Mega terminal shield
3.5" LCD TFT display with 320x480 color pixels communicating using a parallel interface in the form of a shield for the Arduino Mega board.
3.5" LCD TFT display with 320x480 color pixels communicating using a parallel interface in the form of a shield for Arduino Uno and Mega boards.
Prototype board for creating your own Arduino UNO and Mega shields.
A ready-made printed circuit board that allows you to easily make your own shield for Arduino Uno and Mega boards.
A ready-made printed circuit board that allows you to easily make your own shield for Arduino Mega boards.
A shield for the Arduino Mega board to allow it to be used as a 3D printer driver, with five stepper motor converters.