Arduino I2C motor shield TB6612 + PCA9685

Code: LA110071
€22,63 €18,70 excl. VAT
In stock (13 pcs)
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Motor I2c shield for Arduino UNO, Leonardo, ADK/Mega R3, Due, Diecimila and Duemilanove. Allows connection of 2 stepper motors or 4 DC motors and 2 servo motors.

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Product detailed description

The new version of the motor shield for Arduino UNO, Leonardo, ADK/Mega R3, Due, Diecimila and Duemilanove allows to control 2 stepper motors or 4 DC motors together with two servo motors. Communication with the Arduino motherboard takes place using the I2C bus, so only two data pins are needed for control. Two more pins are needed to control two servos. The servos are controlled directly from the motherboard Arduino and are also powered from it. The total number of data pins is therefore 4. This is a significant saving of pins on the Arduino board, and also due to the fact that the I2C interface was chosen for communication, the shield can be combined with other different shields. The Shield can also be stacked to control up to 64 stepper motors or 128 DC motors. There are 5 jumpers on the board for I2C address selection. Since the servomotors are controlled directly from the Arduino motherboard, only two are available in any case, on pins D9 and D10.

The basic circuit is PCA9685, which is used for communication via the I2C interface with the Arduino board and controls stepper and DC motors using two TB6612 drivers.


  • Logic circuit voltage: 4.5-5.5VDC
  • Motor voltage: 6-12VDC
  • Motor power consumption: 1.2A (3A surge)
  • Servo voltage: 5V - from the stabilizer on the motherboard Arduino!

Delivery components:

  • 1pc Arduino I2C motor shield TB6612 + PCA9685


  • This product is not a standalone functional unit and may require professional installation.
  • Product images are for illustration purposes only and may sometimes differ from the actual appearance of the item. However, this does not change its basic properties.
  • After mounting the shield, please check that the pins from the bottom side do not touch the component housings on the bottom plate! This could cause a short circuit and destroy the shield or even the motherboard. Goods damaged in this way are not covered by the warranty!

Additional parameters

Category: Arduino UNO shields
Warranty: 2 years
Weight: 0.25 kg
Shield function: Motor control, Prototyping
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JB Avatar of author | 11/05/2021
Arduino I2C motor shield TB6612 + PCA9685 funguje vcelku dobře. Má možnost samostatného napájení motorů, nebo lze napájet motory z arduina. Pozor před zapojením vnějšího zdroje musíte odstranit jumper jinak si odpálíte arduino. (vyzkoušeno) Použil jsem na stavbu Hvězdné brány ( pro ovládání dvou krokových motorů. Pro tuto aplikaci se to hodí protože šetří piny na desce a u tohoto projektu jsem použil všechny. Nevýhodou je že se nedá seřídit proud, proto se motorky trochu hřejí. Pro aplikace u kterých potřebujete občas pohnout motorem je to dobré řešení. Pro komunikaci jsem použil knihovnu: Adafruit Stepper motor. Zdá se že Arduino I2C motor shield TB6612 + PCA9685 je sice nějaký klon od Adafruit, ale knihovna funguje V knihovně můžete zvolit 3 tipy krokování, single, double, anterlevave. Takže asi 1, 1/2, a 1/4, musíte předem vyzkoušet kolik kroků je potřeba na otáčku. Nejsem si jistý ale u 1/2 mi to nějak dosedělo Ne do všech projektů se do hodí ale určitě bych to doporučil, už jen kvůli snadnému programování.
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M Avatar of author Kompatibilita s R4 14/10/2024 22:46
Dobrý den, je shield kompatibilní s Arduino R4 WIFI?
MF Avatar of author Kompatibilita s R4 15/10/2024 14:35
Dobrý den, vyzkoušeno nemáme, ale použít by se zřejmě mohl.